Maintenance personnel have technical experience, level of expertise, and familiarity with chiller equipment, which enables them to solve equipment failures more quickly and accurately. If the maintenance personnel handle the fault improperly, it will lead to increased costs and various impacts, and also leave hidden dangers for the next fault.

1、 Error judgment fault
Error phenomenon: Some personnel do not understand the structure and principle of the chiller, and blindly disassemble the equipment for fault diagnosis, resulting in the failure being not identified and eliminated, and new fault problems also appearing.
The correct method: When the equipment malfunctions, we need to detect the equipment and make fault judgments based on its working principle.
2、 Blindly replacing parts
Error phenomenon: When there is a small problem with the chiller, some maintenance personnel try to replace the parts that may cause the problem one by one. In the end, the problem is not only not eliminated, but also increases the cost of expenses.
Correct method: Based on the fault phenomenon, carefully inspect, observe and analyze the cause and location of the fault, and repair the faulty parts and their positions. Some parts can be restored through repair, and blind replacement of parts is prohibited.
3、 Not conducting quality inspection
Error phenomenon: Installing new spare parts directly onto the unit equipment without conducting a detailed inspection is not correct. Nowadays, there are many counterfeit and substandard parts sold in the market; After a long period of storage, the performance of accessories also changes. If not detected, this can cause various malfunctions after assembly.
Correct method: New spare parts must undergo performance checks and tests to ensure that they are problem free and fault free before use, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble.
4、 Misused model spare parts
Error phenomenon: When replacing accessories, some maintenance personnel use other models instead. In fact, this method is not a problem for short periods of time, but long-term use can affect the safety performance of the chiller equipment.
Correct method: When replacing accessories, try to use matching and consistent model accessories, and do not use other replaceable model accessories.
During the maintenance process, never use the wrong methods to operate, only the correct maintenance methods can solve the problem.