Höhe zwischen den Schnitten
blue sea
2024-10-14It may be the reason that the process setting parameters are not set correctly, check from the following settings: [Filter Coefficient]: Increasing this parameter can improve the response speed of follow-up, but it is easy to cause oscillation during follow-up. The filter coefficient parameter is generally set to 100, the larger the value of the parameter, the more sensitive the response, too large a value is easy to cause too much jitter, too small a value is easy to cause too slow response; [Alarm filtering]: The parameter should not be set too large, too large alarm filter coefficient will make the cutting head collision alarm can not be lifted up in time to protect, on the contrary, too small alarm filter coefficient is easy to cause false alarm caused by cutting slag spraying. The alarm filter parameter is generally set to 100; The value of this parameter will affect the alarm filtering time of the cutting head, the value is too high and too sluggish, it is easy to cause the collision of the cutting head to alarm, and the value is too low and too sensitive, which is easy to cause false alarm to the cutting slag spraying; [Maximum Following Error]: When the cutting head is in the following state, the maximum allowable following error, when the following error exceeds the set maximum following error, an alarm of "too large following error" will be generated. The maximum following error parameter is generally set to 3.0, and when the following error is greater than the set value, an alarm will be generated when the following error is greater than the set value. If the "large following error" alarm is frequently triggered during the cutting process, the maximum following error parameter needs to be increased. Please set this parameter according to actual requirements. [Nozzle height]: refers to the position of the set nozzle, the height of the nozzle of the cutting head from the metal plate during cutting.
0Replyblue sea
2024-10-14[Collision Alarm Enablement]: If this item is enabled, the cutting head will alarm and lift up when it touches the plate (warped parts or plates). Collision alarm enable parameter, if the collision alarm enable is checked, when the cutting head touches the plate during the movement, the cutting head will be automatically raised to a safe height; If the collision alarm is disabled, the collision protection will be ignored; Please select this function according to the actual situation; When cutting, when the Z-axis triggers an alarm (such as collision alarm, limit trigger, capacitance value becomes smaller, the following error is too large, etc.), then the Z-axis will automatically protect and lift, the panel will pop up a follow-up alarm, and the motherboard will suspend processing.
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1 Reply2024-11-12 - 2022-12-09