X and Y combustion zones are not centered
2024-10-14Does your machine use a separate laser pointer when framing? If not, then disable the -21mm laser offset, because that is likely what is causing your “3/4” lower problem"
: As for the 3/4" to the right - I’m not really sure about that but I suspect this is a job origin issue since it sounds like you are using the ‘Start From’ = ‘User Origin’ positioning mode, which is not as ideal for a system without auto homing. I suggest you use ‘Current Position’ instead. Pay attention to where the green dot is - which is the job origin, this relates to the position where you set G92 X0 Y0.
: The laser does have a separate pointer for setting the origin. The -21mm was what the laser mfg said to put in as the offset to use the pointer. I disabled that which did take care of the down difference, but the offset to the right still persisted, so I input -21mm on the X axis and ran the test and the problem vanished, I have begun using Current position to start the job.
- 2024-07-31
- 2024-11-14
Y-axis laser less than set/designed
5 Replies03-03