
Advantages of laser cleaning machine compared with traditional industrial cleaning technology

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As we all know, metal products will react with oxygen and water in the air after being exposed to the air for a long time and become rusty. Things like iron pans are good, but they can almost return to their original appearance if they are brushed hard with steel balls. However, if the industrial steel materials used to manufacture aircraft and automobile rust, it will not only affect the appearance, but also affect the performance, so timely rust removal is very important. With the continuous innovation and improvement of technology, laser cleaning technology has come into public view. Laser cleaning equipment can not only clean organic pollutants, but also clean inorganic substances, including metal rust, metal particles, dust, rapid paint removal, oil removal, etc.


Traditional industrial cleaning machine friction cleaning, high cleanliness, but easy to damage the substrate. Chemical corrosion cleaning, serious pollution, belongs to stress free cleaning. Liquid jet cleaning, high cost, difficult to dispose of waste liquid. High frequency ultrasonic cleaning, the cleaning size is limited and the workpiece is dry after cleaning. Compared with these cleaning technologies, the laser cleaning machine rust removal equipment has the following obvious advantages:


High efficiency, high temperature energy can instantly achieve cleaning effect


Low cost, time-saving, labor saving and money saving. One time investment in early stage, long and stable operation

Super environmental protection, no chemicals, almost zero waste


More convenient, hand-held portable cleaning machine, everyone can be the operator


Good safety, no harmful gas output, laser safety system, dust removal and rust removal without hurting people


No wear, non-contact cleaning, no damage to the workpiece substrate


The laser cleaning and derusting machine has a wide range of applications. It can be used in automobile manufacturing, mold industry, food industry, shipping industry, military industry, aviation, rubber tire and other industries for

derusting, paint removal, oil removal, mold cleaning, weld bead cleaning, etc. It is an indispensable new tool in the current era of green and environmental protection.


Source: pentalaser

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