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Researchers have shown that dissipative Kerr solitons (DKS) can be used to create chip based optical frequency combs with sufficient output power for optical atomic clocks and other practical applications. This progress may lead to chip based instruments being able to perform precise measurements that were previously only possible in a few specialized laboratories.Gr é gory Moille from the ...
Scientists at the Cavendish laboratory have discovered the spin coherence of hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) under normal conditions, providing new prospects for the application of quantum technology.Researchers at Cavendish Laboratory have found that a single "atomic defect" in a material called hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) maintains spin coherence at room temperature and can be manipulated using ...
On September 1 local time, Coherent, an American laser system solutions provider, announced that Dr. Mark Sobey, president of its laser division, has officially retired from the company.In July 2022, II-VI and Coherent completed the merger and were reorganized into three business units: Lasers, Materials and Networking. Since this point, Dr. Sobey has served as President of Coherent's Laser divisi...
Recently, researchers announced the development of a way to use laser blasting to break down plastic and other material molecules into their smallest parts for future reuse.This method involves placing these materials on a two-dimensional material called transition metal dichalcogenides and then irradiating them with light.This discovery has the potential to improve the way we handle plastics that...
Figure: Researchers have created a chip based ring resonator that operates in the ultraviolet and visible light ranges and exhibits record low UV loss. The resonator (small circle in the middle) is displayed as blue light.Researchers have created chip based photonic resonators that can operate in the ultraviolet (UV) and visible regions of the spectrum and exhibit record low UV loss. The ne...