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Optical equipment is an integral part of technologies such as data centers and autonomous vehicle, which are constantly developing to meet the needs of complex applications. The challenge faced by designers is to manipulate light at the wavelength scale to achieve the required optical properties, which requires precision at both the nano and macro scales. Nanoscale structures, such as those on LED...
Recently, a research team led by Professor Cai Wei and Professor Xu Jingjun from the School of Physical Sciences at Nankai University has experimentally confirmed for the first time the generation of polaritons, also known as Smith Purcell radiation, at the two-dimensional scale, and further demonstrated the ability of free electrons to regulate two-dimensional Smith Purcell radiation. The researc...
Makino Machine Tool Company, headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, and Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology (ILT), headquartered in Aachen, Germany, have collaborated to combine ultra-high speed laser material deposition (EHLA) and near net shape additive manufacturing (EHLA3D) with a five axis CNC platform. The new system developed can efficiently produce, coat, or repair complex geometric shapes o...
a. b. Schematic diagram of PACTER system calibration and imaging program. BT, beam trap; DAQ, data acquisition unit; HWP, half wave plate; PBS, polarization beam splitter; ER, traverse the relay. The difference between the two modes is highlighted by a black dashed box. c. Schematic diagram of a single component ultrasonic transducer manufactured on ER. d. The ultrasound transducer detected 1D P...
Earlier this month, GeoCue, a liDAR mapping hardware and software provider, announced the launch of three new products for its TrueView 3D imaging system. These new systems combine laser scanning and high-resolution imaging, including the TV625, TV680 and TV680LR. All three systems are NDAA-compliant.All three systems are designed to be used in conjunction with drones, and the company note...