As a type of refrigeration equipment, the main components of a laser chiller include a compressor, evaporator, condenser, capillary throttle valve, etc., thereby achieving the refrigeration effect of the unit. The factors that cause abnormal discharge temperature of the compressor include the adiabatic index of the refrigerant, compression ratio (condensation pressure/evaporation pressure), and suction temperature. The higher the suction temperature and compression ratio, the higher the discharge temperature; The lower the suction temperature, the smaller the compression ratio, and the lower the exhaust temperature.

When the suction pressure remains constant and the exhaust pressure increases, the exhaust temperature will rise; When the exhaust pressure remains constant and the suction pressure decreases, the exhaust temperature will also increase. Both of these situations are caused by an increase in compression ratio. Excessive condensation temperature and exhaust temperature are detrimental to the operation of the compressor. We should try our best to prevent this situation from happening. The exhaust temperature is directly proportional to the compression ratio (condensation pressure/evaporation pressure) and suction temperature. If the overheated temperature of the suction is high and the compression ratio is large, the exhaust temperature is high; If the suction pressure and temperature remain constant, as the exhaust pressure increases, the exhaust temperature also increases.
The reasons for the increase in exhaust temperature include:
(1) The suction temperature is higher, and the exhaust temperature of the refrigerant vapor after compression is also higher;
(2) As the condensation temperature increases, the condensation pressure also increases, causing an increase in exhaust temperature;
(3) The exhaust valve plate is shattered, high-pressure steam is repeatedly compressed and the temperature rises. The cylinder and cylinder head are hot to the touch, and the thermometer reading of the exhaust pipe also increases.
Source: Network