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Lumentum, a leading designer and manufacturer of innovative optical and photonic products, has announced that it has completed the acquisition of a site in Caswell, UK.Lumentum revealed that it has made significant investments in the site over the past two years and is currently undergoing development upgrades for its state-of-the-art cleanrooms and laboratories to continue to support the developm...
Recently, Professor Tsumoru Shintake from Okinawa University of Science and Technology (OIST) proposed a revolutionary extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography technology that not only surpasses the boundaries of existing semiconductor manufacturing, but also heralds a new chapter in the industry's future.This innovation significantly improves stability and maintainability, as its simplified design o...
TAU Systems, a manufacturer of ultra fast compact laser plasma accelerators, announced today that it has successfully upgraded the existing desktop terawatt laser (UT 3) at the University of Texas to a new and improved performance that provides power for compact particle accelerators. The upgraded UT 3 driver laser can now generate ultra short pulses with a peak power of 40 terawatts.This upgrade ...
JILA researcher, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) physicist, physics professor Adam Kaufman and his team at the University of Colorado Boulder, as well as NIST collaborators, demonstrated a new method of cross laser beam lattice sampling using ultracold atoms for boson sampling in two-dimensional optics. This study, recently published in the journal Nature, marks a significant...
A novel method is used to deflect the laser beam using only air. The interdisciplinary research team reported in the journal Nature Photonics that invisible gratings made solely of air not only do not suffer damage from lasers, but also retain the original quality of the beam. The researchers have applied for a patent for their method.Technology and PrinciplesThis innovative technology utilizes so...